My Story - Inspiration

I was inspired to start Inspectorbots for several reasons, but one of them came from playing with my son. We loved to play together in the shop. When my son, Adrian was about 9 or 10 years old, we would play a game together… One day we mounted an X-10 camera to the ROMP (an early platform with an aluminum deck). The game involved hiding a stuffed animal in another room.


One of us would hide “Dino-Guy” and the other would try to find him using the robot and a laptop. Of course, the video from the X-10 camera aboard the ROMP was transmitting a live feed from the robot and sent the feed to the laptop. We both became very good at driving the ROMP with an RC radio, around the house only looking at the live video feed and always finding Dino-Guy. This early FPV navigation technology became the basis for the Minibot line of Inspection Robots.


The Delta Unit Development


My Story - The ROMP